Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and well being in our lives and in the world.
~ Deepak Chopra
Over the ages, wisdom traditions of various cultures have taught that the universe is filled with a life force referred to as Prana, Chi, or Spirit. This life force, or energy, moves through our physical bodies and intersects at energy nodes called Chakras.
Western approach to chakras is based on the 3000 year old Eastern Chakra System, that recognizes many minor and seven major chakras located along the spine. In Sanskrit the word Chakra literally means a “wheel," because each one is always in motion. Each "wheel "receives, assimilates, and distributes cosmic energy to specific areas of our bodies effecting different aspects of our lives. You might say that Chakras are an interface between our personal subtle body and Universal energy.
Just like we have physical organs in our physical bodies, Chakras can be considered energetic organs of our energy bodies. Each of the seven chakras is commonly associated with the specific parts and organs of the physical body, and to a multitude of emotional, mental and spiritual states.
Energetically speaking, Chakras play a critical role in our lives. These vital energy centers govern and profoundly impact our personality as well as health, behavior, emotional and spiritual attitudes, relationships and, and general well-being.
Chakras regulate the flow of energy that runs up and down the physical body, from the top of the head to the base of the spine.
All seven Chakras are working together providing a steady, strong, harmonious flow of energy. Often one or more Chakras get out of balance causing blockages in our bodies. These blockages can manifest health issues, dis-functional relationships, emotional and psychological problems.
When Chakras are in balance, Life Force flows freely and easily, we are healthy, thriving and balanced. Life feels good and we are “in the flow.”
Understanding how Chakras work will help you to learn about yourself and others and allow you to live a fully empowered life.
Ancients associated Chakras with different symbols, sounds, animals, but one of the most basic, yet very important Chakra attributes is color.
Colors that represent seven major Chakras follow a specific pattern recognized by everybody because it is the same as a rainbow - both Chakra and rainbow colors encompass the entire visible color spectrum.
Color is simply energy vibrating at different speeds.
Imagine the column of rotating color wheels inside your body, from the lowest vibration of Red at the base of your spine, to the highest vibrations of Purple and White at the top of your head.
When you recognize and understand this color pattern, you can influence Chakras by focusing on corresponding colors - you feel better, become energized, empowered, and inspired.
Chakra colors and intentions are just different manifestations of the same energy essence. To make it simple and easy to learn about Chakras and use this knowledge in everyday life, we have created a simple Chakra-Inspired Intentional System.

We believe in the amazing powers of Chakras, Colors, and Intentions, and use this Intentional System in our many creations.
There is a huge body of knowledge associated with the studies of Chakras, the Chakra-Color relationship is just a small part of this vast pool of information.
Gaining understanding and applying available and effective tools gives us more power and increases our abilities to balance and strengthen our energy to manifest our best life.